Once upon a time there was a boy, and he pulled his hair out because he was so mad and frustrated at the end of level literacy test. Actually that didn't happen, or maybe it did... somewhere. In this case though the end of level(which will now be refered to as the E.O.L)literacy test was not that bad.Yes it was a little long, but what E.O.L test isn't? The content in the test was not as nearly as bad as usual, yes there was a little misunderstandings, but othere than that it was a pretty decent test. My only prolbem was that it was very time consuming. Which in the end it wasn't a prolbem at all considering we got to miss about two-thirds of the day, for two days! In the end, do I think the E.O.L test is not a very intelligent idea?
The Reason I think this is that in the end the actual test will not help benefit us at all, it could only,in the end, hurt us. All the test is for schools to compare to other schools and is pretty much bragging rights and maybe the school will get money for it... who knows. So, why do I care you ask? I care because all it is doing is wasting my time so our school can show people a ribbon and if I don't do well enough on the test then I get remediated the next year. I don't think thats fair at all. Hypothetically, lets say that your a straight-A student but doesn't happen to do well on test or under pressure. Then comes along the E.O.L test. Awesome. You then mess up or whatever and then you have to be remediated for the next year when your GPA(Grade Point Average) is 4.0, which is the highest possible grade average you can have. Where is the justice in that?
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